sexta-feira, 18 de setembro de 2009


Em janeiro de 2007 embarquei sem saber ao certo o que me esperava no outro lado do mundo. Estive 3 meses no Akiyoshidai International Art Village, em Yamaguchi, no sudoeste do Japão.
A proposta era investigar os ideogramas de origem chinesa, os kanjis, e experimentar a caligrafia sobre água.



(sumi - nanquim
mizu - água
shodö - caligrafia)

In January of 2007, I travelled without knowing what exactly was waiting for me in the other side of the globe. I was during 3 months in the Akiyoshidai International Art Village, in Yamaguchi, southwest of Japan.
The purpose was to investigate the ancient ideograms that had come from China, the kanjis, and experiment calligraphy over water.



(sumi - black ink
mizu - water
shodö - calligraphy)

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